Holidays to this hotel start from only
Planet Studios and Apartments is right in the heart of the Tsilivi action, with the onsite bar one of the town’s biggest party places and most popular nightlife spots. It’s steps from town’s popular restaurants and bars, too, so the small and friendly hotel has soundproofed apartments, ensuring you have a peaceful place to escape to. Spend your days lounging poolside or at Tsilivi Beach, only 10 minutes away, preparing for another great night out.
A small and friendly resort in Tsilivi, Zante, Planet Studios and Apartments gives you the chance to unwind with the family and enjoy your relaxing holidays to Zante by the pool and still be near some great bars and restaurants. The island, known as the Gem of the Ionian Sea, is a popular tourist destination, well built-up with a range of activities and family-friendly bars and restaurants serving traditional Mediterranean cuisine and favourite European dishes. Warm weather and chilled-out vibes are guaranteed during your stay in Zante, but if you’re looking to let your hair down there are plenty of clubs and nightlife to explore.
Holidays to Zante all about the party, though. Head out for some traditional Greek cuisine or explore the island’s many beaches. Visit Tsivili, Kalamaki or Bouka beaches for all kinds of waterssports and boating day trips to the shipwrecks of Navagio Beach. Both kids and adults love waterparks, so it’s a good thing that Tsilivi Water Park is just around the corner. Quality and relaxation is at the heart of Planet Studios and Apartments and it’s this hospitality and enjoyment that will make your holidays to Zante so special.
Nestled on the north-east coast of the beautiful island of Zante is this idyllic, action-packed, family-friendly resort. Tsilivi holidays offer beautiful long stretches of white sand and clear water in the south of the Ionian Sea, giving you the opportunity to relax in the sun or take advantage of one of the many activities on offer.
Items marked with * incur extra charges which are payable locally.
Planet Studios and Apartments is right in the heart of the Tsilivi action, with the onsite bar one of the town’s biggest party places and most popular nightlife spots. It’s steps from town’s popular restaurants and bars, too, so the small and friendly hotel has soundproofed apartments, ensuring you have a peaceful place to escape to. Spend your days lounging poolside or at Tsilivi Beach, only 10 minutes away, preparing for another great night out.
A small and friendly resort in Tsilivi, Zante, Planet Studios and Apartments gives you the chance to unwind with the family and enjoy your relaxing holidays to Zante by the pool and still be near some great bars and restaurants. The island, known as the Gem of the Ionian Sea, is a popular tourist destination, well built-up with a range of activities and family-friendly bars and restaurants serving traditional Mediterranean cuisine and favourite European dishes. Warm weather and chilled-out vibes are guaranteed during your stay in Zante, but if you’re looking to let your hair down there are plenty of clubs and nightlife to explore.
Holidays to Zante all about the party, though. Head out for some traditional Greek cuisine or explore the island’s many beaches. Visit Tsivili, Kalamaki or Bouka beaches for all kinds of waterssports and boating day trips to the shipwrecks of Navagio Beach. Both kids and adults love waterparks, so it’s a good thing that Tsilivi Water Park is just around the corner. Quality and relaxation is at the heart of Planet Studios and Apartments and it’s this hospitality and enjoyment that will make your holidays to Zante so special.
Nestled on the north-east coast of the beautiful island of Zante is this idyllic, action-packed, family-friendly resort. Tsilivi holidays offer beautiful long stretches of white sand and clear water in the south of the Ionian Sea, giving you the opportunity to relax in the sun or take advantage of one of the many activities on offer.
Items marked with * incur extra charges which are payable locally.
If any member of your party is disabled or has specific welfare requirements, please call our sales team on 0204 578 0977 or use our live chat function. It is important that we check out the suitability of your chosen accommodation, prior to making a booking.
Our opening hours are Monday to Sunday 09:00 to 19:00.
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