We’re all in search of that bikini body and it might come as a shock to you, but you already have one – it’s as simple as popping on your bikini. What we really want though is the confidence to look and feel great in that bikini. If you don’t want to blow your money on gym fees, you could HIIT your way to a more confident you from home.
So if want to take better care of yourself, tone up, lose a few pounds or achieve your fitness goals we have some great exercises that will rev up your heart rate, fire up your metabolism and help you burn away the calories. Plus it requires no gym membership or fitness equipment!
Top tip – you may know someone who is also looking to keep fit. Begin your journey together and it will increase your chances for success and keep you motivated on days you don’t feel like working out.
High intensity interval training or HIIT workouts, as they are more commonly known, are timed interval style cardio workouts. They combine high intensity exercise with low intensity exercise and can last between 10 and 30 minutes. These short workouts improve athletic capacity and condition, improved metabolism and fat burning.
You should start and finish each workout with a warm-up and cool-down, as this will help your recovery so you’ll feel less sore and keep your muscles from tightening up. For 30 seconds you will be put through your paces with high energy exercises. You then rest for 30 seconds as this will lower your heart rate and let you recover before another fast paced 30 seconds. These 30-second bursts of energy and 30-second rests continue until your workout is finished. To see some amazing results do these workouts four or five workouts a week.
Start slowly so you build your endurance and ability, if the moves are too challenging for you – choose the easier modifications of each exercise. Joe Wicks is the man of the moment and has transformed the lives of thousands of people with his 90 Day SSS Plan, his YouTube videos are extremely popular.
Work your core. By working your core muscles, you’ll improve your stability and balance as well as helping to create that enviable long and lean look. Strong core muscles can also prevent aching back muscles and help maintain good posture. By developing a strong core you’ll be able to perform more advanced moves with confidence as you gain your strength.
The good thing about working the core is you can do it in the comfort of your own home – so there’s no excuse not to find the time to do them. Here at Holiday Hypermarket we call them TV exercises – put simply, when the adverts come on the TV get out your exercise mat and get down to some core work.
Top tip – do the best you can every day, and take it one day at a time.
Mix and match any of the following exercises three to four times a week, or if you’re feeling spritely, try and work your way through them all. We’ve included videos to all the exercises so you can perfect your technique.
Targets – Arms, chest
Targets – Upper abdominals
Flutter kicks
Targets – Low abdominals, hip flexors
Targets – Glutes, quads, hip flexors, obliques
Targets – Upper and lower abdominals, glutes
Side plank
Targets – Obliques
Toe taps
Targets – Lower abdominals
Scissor crunches
Targets – Lower abdominals
Bicycle kicks
Targets – Obliques, lower abdominals
Opposite arm-leg raise
Targets – Lower back
It can take 21 days for any new activity to become habit and six months for it to become part of your character. Just remember your confidence to look and feel great in that bikini won’t happen overnight, so be patient and keep up the hard work.
At the end of each month reward yourself – you’ve worked hard. You could celebrate your success with a new piece of fitness clothing instead of a box of chocolates, especially if you’ve promised yourself you’d eat better.
Top tip – don’t despair if you have the occasional slip up, start over again, and before you know it you’ll be back on track.
Once you’re feeling more body confident you can start visiting the places you’ve always dream of.