Summer Fashion Don’ts

Here at HolidayHypermarket we embrace the summer and everything that comes with it. Over the years we have all been guilty of the odd fashion faux pas. It happens year after year the streets and beaches are suddenly overcome by unflattering and ill-fitting fashion statements. We may shrug our shoulders because its summer and it’s hot, but sometimes I think we need to call for the fashion police.

These are our summer fashion dont’s:

Super Short Shorts

Unless you have a lovely peachy bum like Kylie Minogue then these are a no.

Bikinis & high heels

Leave your dance shoes at home. There is no way you can walk on a beach in those high heels without falling over. If you like glitz and glamour then opt for some sparkling flip flops, comfy yet chic.


Yes these maybe super comfy around the pool or beach but they do not look cool. Little toddlers can get away with these but parents need to step away!

Visible underwear

This can ruin any good outfit. The ‘invisible’ bra strap is highly visible and there is plenty of other underwear you can wear, which will make the whole outfit perfect.


Speedos, banana hammocks or swimming briefs, these are popular among the European men however unless you have a body like Tom Daley these are a SPEED-NO.

Un-manicured toes

Men and women are guilty of this. If you are going to wear you flip flops at least make your toes look pretty.


Whilst we all love to get a good tan on holiday, there is nothing worse than bright red lobster people walking around in pain. The moral of the story is buy a high factor sun cream and use it!

That rounds off our list of fashion faux pas.

Have you got any to share?